
Vietnam national University | Hanoi @Hoa Lac

This project is a plan for a major educational campus and associated commercial development on a roughly 1000 hectare site. The client was Vietnam National University, a large (50,000 student) existing institution located on various separate campuses throughout Hanoi that were slated to expand/relocate to a single new greenfield campus in the suburbs of Hoa Lac.

Project work involved the programming and design of a 1000 hectare site on a very short schedule (3 months), which required engagement with existing university administrators to understand existing and future needs, coordination with transportation and civil engineers on issues related to infrastructure, and making presentations to various government officials. A nearly round the clock job, requiring coordination with a production team based in San Francisco. Limited portions have been built but the project is still pending.

Role: Served as project manager and lead designer for this project while employed as a Senior Urban Planner and Real Estate Consultant at HOK. In addition to project work, this required temporary relocation to Hanoi, establishment of a new office (renting space, opening bank accounts, importing supplies, and general representational duties for the firm), and collaboration with various joint-venture partners.

Key Facts:

  • 1000 hectares

  • 2600 acres

  • 9 campuses + associated housing, commercial, and research-related uses

  • 50,000 students

Renderings by David Carrico, based on plans and 3D Models produced by Brian Jennett