arizona Capitol Mall redevelopment | Phoenix, AZ
This project involves the planning of a large area adjacent to downtown Phoenix, which is currently dominated by government offices in a Civic Center that has evolved over time but suffers from a lack of activity. The study was prompted by changing needs of government tenants, aging facilities and growing maintenance costs, unpredictable funding to address those costs, and trends related to work-from-home post-pandemic. It was also driven by plans to extend the light rail system into the area, which would open up opportunities for transit-oriented development.
State-owned and other under-utilized properties were assessed for potential disposition/redevelopment opportunities, and the current real estate market was analyzed to determine potential future uses that would extend the recent success of downtown's redevelopment.
Work involved interviews with stakeholders and market participants, evaluation of highest and best use and preliminary financial feasibility, recommending a land use programming and real estate strategy, preliminary physical planning, and reviewing potential implementation strategies such as funding, incentives, and partnerships.
Role: Brian Jennett led the real estate and urban planning/design aspects of the project as part of his current role as Senior Consultant with Stantec's Real Estate Strategies group. He provided the bulk of the analysis and created the drawings, narrative, and other supporting materials. He also led the stakeholder engagement effort.