


This project involved exploring the reuse of the historic core of the Alameda Naval Air Station for an educational campus for a new institution: Pan Pacific University. The proponents of the university were targeting a curriculum that would combine elements of Asian and Western education. The planning effort took this into account when configuring the buildings and landscape elements. Historic buildings were to be re-used and reconfigured/extended for classroom, lab, library, office, and dormitory functions. Empty lawns and parking lots would be replaced by courtyards and gardens, following themes that would reference the significant variety in Asian landscape traditions. A water element was incorporated into the plan, winding from the entry to the main plaza. New playfields and recreational open space was to be created at the waterfront and shared with the rest of the community.

Brian Jennett completed this effort during his master's program (1996); the project remains unbuilt, although the buildings remain. They are slowly deteriorating and are now considered economically infeasible to renovate and repurpose. Other portions of the base (eg. the hangars and industrial warehouses) have been renovated and repurposed. New housing and new parks have also been created.

Original computer visualization from 1996