
Star innovation district | Lockport, IL

This project is for the redevelopment of a brownfield site (previously a refinery) that has been remediated. The city, as the property owner, undertook the planning effort to proactively articulate what it is looking for, so they can begin actively marketing it to parties who share their vision for the property. Specifically, developing the property represents an opportunity for the City to grow its workforce and promote economic development, but in a way that promotes sustainability and minimizes negative impacts on the surrounding roads and neighborhoods.

Planning for the future of the property requires an approach balancing economic development, environmental sensitivities, community concerns, market demand, financial feasibility, infrastructure capacity, fiscal constraints, and other issues related to implementation.

Scope for the project included market analysis, real estate development feasibility, urban planning strategy, and implementation for the conversion of a remediated brownfield site into a mixed-use business park. Reviewed the history of the property and its surrounding context, analyzed the site and its existing infrastructure, analyzed trends in the regional economy, reviewed current conditions in the property market, suggested a development program that would be feasible, then developed a physical plan including visuals. Worked with engineers to confirm the infrastructure required, outlined the process of implementation, highlighted the potential funding sources that may be available.

Role: Brian Jennett led the economic, real estate strategy, and implementation portions of the project while a Senior Real Estate Strategy Consultant at Stantec.