
HP Strategic Facility Planning   | Silicon valley

This project, for Hewlett-Packard, involved multiple sites in different cities, dated and ineficient buildings, and shrinking headcount. There was a need to reduce costs, consolidate operations, and upgrade facilities to reflect an established brand in need of a new identity, with a new market position, and a tradition of research.

HOK was hired to explore the potential of consolidating on one or two sites, disposing of buildings and underlying land where such property was no longer needed. Such sales would generate significant revenue given that the property had increased in value significantly from the early days of Silicon Valley when HP was first established.

As part of this exercise, the team explored how to develop a new campus-like environment which would be supportive of research and promote collaboration among employees.

The study evaluated several alternative scenarios for moves, consolidation and disposition. Workplace strategies were discussed including new officing standards and sharing made possible through technology. 

Some of the plans explored re-investment to extend the life of existing assets. Others were more focused on a significantly reduced footprint located at a single site. One plan even explored the potential of a new headquarters building, the costs of which would be offset by the disposition of excess property.

Ultimately, one of the scenarios for consolidation was implemented, the property was sold, and it has now become the new global headquarters for Apple.